November is Career & Workforce Development Month

Join us as we officially launch the month celebrating Career and
Workforce Development in Manitoba!


  • Friday, November 1, 2019
  • 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
  • Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites, 1800 Wellington Avenue
  • Cost: free

Featured Industries: Tourism and Bioscience

Presentations by:

Shannon Fontaine

CEO, Manitoba Tourism Education Council & Manitoba Tourism Education College

Warren Sawatzky

Director of Human Resources,
RBC Convention Centre


Tracey McConachie

President, Bioscience Association
of Manitoba

Sherri Wollenberg

HR Manager,
RPR CMP, Medicure Inc.


The Honorable Kelvin Goertzen, Minister of Manitoba Education & Training, will bring Greetings from the Province.


Funded by: 


Click here to download the poster:

November is
Career & Workforce Development Month

Join us!

  • Friday, November 2, 2018
  • 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
  • Hilton Garden Inn Winnipeg South
  • Cost: free

Master of Ceremonies:

Shannon Fontaine, CEO of Manitoba Tourism Education Council & Manitoba Tourism Education College, began her career in the hospitality industry and worked her way to a Hotel General Manager. She then used the experience that she gained from managing a large staff to work as a Business Consultant for the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), where she assisted businesses throughout Manitoba.

After 2 years at BDC, she became the Director of the government funded Self Employment Program, where she worked for 13 years. During that time she assisted in launching over 1000 new businesses in Winnipeg.

In February 2009, Shannon was appointed to CEO of the Manitoba Tourism Education Council, which is an organization that provides Human Resource training to the tourism, hospitality and retail industries in Manitoba. In 2014 she opened the Manitoba Tourism Education College, an associated corporation of the council and registered private vocational school that trains future employees for the Tourism and Retail industries in Manitoba.


Presentations by:

Carol Paul, is the Executive Director at the Manitoba Construction Sector Council (MCSC). She holds a Masters in Adult Education from the University of Manitoba and is a Certified Essential Skills Profiler through Bow Valley College. Carol has instructed adult education at University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg for the past 15 years. She coordinated the adult education program for 14 years at Urban Circle Training Centre, a holistic Indigenous Training Centre.  She was the Managing Director at the Centre for Education and Work for 11 years where she managed national research, education and digital technology projects.

At MCSC, Carol is the Executive Director responsible for research, curriculum development and coordination of the sector council’s activities.


Wendell Wiebe, M.Ed. Chief Executive Officer

Wendell C. Wiebe joined Manitoba Aerospace Human Resources Council (MAHRC) in 2009. In 2016, MAHRC merged with Manitoba Aerospace Association and became Manitoba Aerospace Inc.

Wendell Wiebe is responsible for the overall operation of Manitoba Aerospace as defined by its mandate and its Blue Sky Vision and reports to the Manitoba Aerospace Board of Directors comprised of representatives from the aerospace and defence industry in Manitoba.

Wendell has been involved in adult education for over 20 years holding a Masters of Education from the University of Manitoba. Being asked to contribute to Adult Literacy Now, a book published in 2000, has been the highlight of his career in education and training.  He authored a chapter on building a business case for establishing literacy programs in the workplace.

Prior to joining Manitoba Aerospace, Wendell was employed by Bristol Aerospace (currently, Magellan Aerospace) for 17 years.  Starting as Manager of Staff Development, he was instrumental in creating an employee training and development system. His department was recognized several times for its innovative programs and collaborative approach in this area. After 10 years in a training role, Wendell became Director of Human Resources at Bristol. Wendell has a long history with Manitoba Aerospace serving as Bristol’s representative on the Executive for 17 years including serving as Chair from 1999 to 2004.



Come celebrate the 2018 Launch of Career and Workforce Development Month with Manitoba Career Prospects. As the organizer of this event, Manitoba Career prospects represents the sector councils of Manitoba and their coordinators, who are directly involved in career & workforce development for their respective industries.


Please join us November 2nd
"Creating Partnerships & Supporting Transitions"

The Minister of Education and Training has been asked to pronounce November as Career & Workforce Development month. So please join us on November 2, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn Winnipeg South at 9:30 am to launch the month and celebrate all of the important work being done to provide quality jobs and a stronger economy in Manitoba. The Minister of Education and Training will also be presenting the Council of the Federation Literacy Award to Christian Haines, the 2017 recipient from Manitoba.

This year's theme will be; "Creating Partnerships & Supporting Transitions." There will be a Panel Discussion with employers, educators, students and community partners.

The launch also celebrates Career & Workforce activities, such as Take Our Kids to Work Day events, the Opening Doors Parents Career information Expos being held in Winnipeg and in the North, the Let's Get to Work Symposium, Employer Cafes and Networking events at Manitoba Start and other industry events that will connect people to innovative and expanding industries in Manitoba.










November is Career & Workforce Development Month

Join us as we officially launch the month celebrating Career and
Workforce Development in Manitoba!


  • Friday, November 1, 2019
  • 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
  • Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites, 1800 Wellington Avenue
  • Cost: free

"Building Workers for Tomorrow"

Master of Ceremonies:

  Shannon Fontaine 
CEO of Manitoba Tourism Education Council & Manitoba Tourism Education College.

Presentations by:

Marvin Marcial   Marvin Marcial
Program Coordinator, Refugee Employment Development Initiative (REDI).
OFE   Opportunities for Employment
Connecting job seekers with employers.

The Manufacturing Production Worker Program is part of the Refugee Employment Development Initiative (REDI) and is a joint programming initiative between Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) and Opportunities for Employment (OFE).

This program provides refugees in Winnipeg a pathway into employment as production workers with manufacturing companies in Manitoba and helps them improve their English language skills. MITT specializes in preparing students for work by providing quality language training while OFE provides extensive and proven employment training.

Many of the graduates of our program are still employed (many with the companies that the complete the work practicum with) full time 6 months after they complete the program. The REDI program gives people the opportunity to retrain and/or upskill for well-paying jobs in the MB workforce.

Additional elements of the program include to support success include:

  • Workplace culture training to improve participants’ soft skills and understanding of the nuances of working as part of a team
  • Employment support training designed to help participants “understand the systems” of employment such as filing taxes, filling out EIA forms, money management, workplace safety, and more
  • Learn strategies for understanding fast speech, taking notes, and asking smart questions
  • Student counselling and advising supports, which are available to all program participants to assist them in overcoming other personal and professional barrier to employment

The Honorable Ralph Eichler, Minister of Economic Development & Training, will bring Greetings from the Province.

November is Career & Workforce Development Month

Join us as we officially launch the month celebrating Career and Workforce Development in Manitoba.

  • Tuesday, November 3, 2020
  • 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • Virtual event will be held via ZOOM

 (ZOOM event registrations must be received by November 2)

"Change Management in Changing Times" | "Moving Forward During COVID-19"

Master of Ceremonies:

  Shannon Fontaine 
CEO of Manitoba Tourism
Education Council & Manitoba
Tourism Education College.

Presentation by:

Angela Kapoor Dozois   Angela Kapoor Dozois, MSc
Certified EAL Instructor

Angela is a Certified EAL Instructor and has a Master of Science Degree. She also has a private tutoring and professional writing business.

Born in Uganda, Angela moved to Europe, immigrated to Canada, lived in four Canadian provinces as well as five different states in the US. Angela knows, respects and embraces change. She works with newcomers and international students. The Manitoba Tourism Education Council and Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology are two of her regular clients. She loves to watch plants and people grow. She believes the journey is an adventure, hearts and minds should be open and life is meant to be enjoyed.

The Honorable Ralph Eichler, Minister of Economic Development & Training, will bring Greetings from the Province.